It started off rather innocently. I was at Aritzia, about 8 years ago (I lived in Ottawa back then to study and Montreal had yet to be blessed with the greatness that is Aritzia). I was perusing the new arrivals section when I saw a gorgeous trench coat, but I couldn’t decide if I
All posts by themontrealista
Mise en situation. Vous avez passé un super week-end en vous inspirant des activités que je propose dans mon article sur mes 10 activités préférées à faire à Montréal cet été, mais lundi est maintenant une réalité imminente dont la simple idée vous fait frémir d’angoisse. En effet, qui n’a pas déjà ressenti un
I first heard of a little ice-cream shop named Ca Lem through (what else?) Instagram. Not only did the place look super cute and ready to welcome anyone equipped with a phone, but also the ice cream seemed seriously drool-worthy. With all the unusual flavours available, I was intrigued. I finally got the